LBL_EXPLAIN =Note: Only HTTP protocol based Authentication credentials can be saved here NOT form based username/password credentials.
HOST =Host:
USER =Username:
PASSWORD =Password:
DELETE_HOST =Delete Selected Host
SAVE_ADD =Save/Add
DEL_CONFIRM =Are you sure you want to delete HTTP Authentication credential for host:
PROVIDE_ALL =You must provide values for all fields.
ALREAD_EXIST =That host already exists in the list. Overwrite?
;Enter decryption/encryption password dialogs
PASSWORD =Password
CAPTION =Enter Password
;Change password dialog box
CAPTION =Change Password
OLD_PASSWORD =Old Password:
NEW_PASSWORD =New Password:
CONFIRM =Confirm
LBL_EXPLAIN =Must be between 5 and 32 characters
; &ret; = new line Example: This is line1 &ret; This is line 2
PASSWORD_CHANGED =Password changed!
DEL_ALL_URLS =Are you sure you want to delete all URLs?
DIR_NOT_EXIST =Cancelling download. The directory does not exist:
EMPTY_URL_LIST =You have not specified any URLs to scan.
FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS =&ret;already exists. &ret; &ret;Do you want to overwrite it? &ret;(Click Cancel to stop downloading files)
BLANK_FILE_EXTENSION =File extension cannot be blank.
BAD_FILE_EXTENSION =File extensions must begin with a dot. &ret;&ret;Example: .png
NO_SSL_ALLOWED =Secure HTTP connections (https://) are not supported.
BAD_PROTOCOL =That protocol is not supported.
NO_PROXY =Your system is not configured to use a HTTP proxy.
RESTART_FOR_XPTHEME =Restart Bukster for changes to take place.
BKSTR_LINKS_REGISTERED =Link type registered. When you click &ret;on a bkstr:// link in your browser, Bukster &ret;will startup and handle it as a HTTP link.
OPEN_WEB_SETTINGS =Do you want to open the settings file when you download it?
BKSTR_LINKS_UNREGISTERED=Link type unregistered. Bukster will &ret;no longer handle bkstr:// links.
RETR_HEADER_URL_ERR =That is not a valid absolute URL. Must start with http://
INVLAID_ABS_URL =That is not a valid absolute URL
LAUNCH_HELP_ERROR =Could not open Help. Try reinstalling Bukster.
RESET_CONFIRM =Are you sure you want to reset your configuration?
CONFIG_FILE_MISSING =does not exist.
DECRYPT_ERROR =Failed to decrypt file.&ret;&ret;1. Check your password.&ret;2. Check you have selected the correct algorithm.&ret;(Selected algorithm:
BAD_SETTINGS_URL =The settings file url must begin with http:// or bkstr://
BAD_SETTINGS_URL_TYPE =That url is not a settings file (.hfs .hfe .xfs or .xfe)
CLEAR_MRU =Clear most recently used files list?
REG_FILETYPE_SUCCESS =Successfully registered filetypes .hfs .hfe .xfs and .xfe
REG_FILETYPE_FAILURE =Failed to register filetypes .hfs .hfe .xfs and .xfe
UNREG_FILETYPE_SUCCESS =Successfully unregistered filetypes .hfs .hfe .xfs and .xfe
UNREG_FILETYPE_FAILURE =Failed to unregister filetypes .hfs .hfe .xfs and .xfe
NOT_YOUR_STORED_PASSWORD=That is not your stored password. Settings Not saved
PASSWORDS_DONT_MATCH =Passwords don't match!
NO_BLANK_PASSWORD =Password cannot be blank
PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT =Password too short. 5-32 chars
FILL_ALL_PWBOXES =You must fill all boxes, password not changed
NEW_PW_DONT_MATCH =New password boxes don't match, password not changed
OLD_PW_INCORRECT =Old password is incorrect, password not changed
; &ret; = new line Example: This is line1 &ret; This is line 2
BAD_URL_OR_FILENAME =That is not a valid absolute HTTP url&ret;OR&ret;A local file of that name does not exist
HTTP_EXCEPTION =There was a problem accessing the webpage.&ret;&ret;Http response-code:
BAD_FILE_TYPE =That file does not appear to be a HTML file.&ret;&ret;Returned: content-type=
PAGE_TOO_BIG =File size out of range. File size must be less than 5 MB (5242880 Bytes)
ERROR_LOADING_PAGE =could not be loaded. &ret;&ret;It maybe in use by another application or in the wrong format.
EMPTY_FRAMESET_WARNING =That page is a FRAMESET which contains no frames!
INVALID_URL_FILENAME =Invalid URL or Filename (URLS must begin with http://)
OPEN_FAIL =Failed to open URL or File. Check that you are connected to the net or that the file exists.
; &ret; = new line Example: This is line1 &ret; This is line 2
BUKSTER_VER_STATUS =Bukster Version Status
NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE =There is a new version of Bukster available.&ret;&ret;To download, visit or a mirror download site.&ret;New Version Number:
NO_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE =There is no new verison available.
FAILED_TO_GET_STATUS =Failed to get new version information from
BUKSTER_URLS = Bukster Urls
IMPORT_MQ_OPEN_HINT = Open text file
INSERT_EXPANSION = Insert Expansion
EXPAND_LIMIT_ERROR = 30000 is the maximum expansion.
CONFIG_GROUPS = Configure File Groups
FILE_TYPES = File Types
ADD_GROUP = Add Group
GROUP_NAME = Group Name
GROUP_EXISTS = That group already exists!
GROUP_NAME_EMPTY = Group name cannot be empty.
GROUP_DEL_CONFIRM = Are you sure you want to delete that group?